July 20, 2009

Building a Deck

Building a deck is an art, but one everyone can learn. Learning how to play the game- well that just takes experience. When a player learns the game through playtesting, it is then clear what should be put into a deck. For example- I can put all of these amazing Paladin cards into a Paladin deck, but if they do not have much of an effect on the board then playing them is a waste of resources, and that card could have been something I could have used, what I like to call a "dead card".

A lot of people look past deckbuilding and this is really a bad habit- to learn the game and get better you have to start building your own decks. Build what you think you would like, the best genre to go with is rush (lots of allies). Go from there- every deck shouldn't be a staple rush and this is why we have classes. If I like Druid, and I like rush, I should look into some restoration buffs and build a deck that way. Or if I am going to raid, a balance/DPS druid can help the raid out a lot.

Building a deck has gotten easier with each booster release because more powerful cards are becoming uncommons (greens) and whites (common). I have built plenty of "budget" decks that still wipe the floor with the good stuff out there. You don't have to be a tourney player to do well in this card game- the metagame (commonly picked strategies) vary from region to region. If you are asking yourself "do I really want to add this card?" remember that cards go well in groups of three or four, in some cases 2 (high cost) but never one. For example:

3x Mystic Denial
3x Nether Fracture
4x Fizzle

I don't want to play as many Mystic Denials because they are expensive, but I will need them. The less of a card that is in a deck, the less chance you have of drawing it, but the more options become available to you. Nether Fracture is borderline expensive, and Fizzle is just a great low cost card for a Mage.

+ Minimize dead cards (ie cards you draw that don't do you much good).
+ ALWAYS play test and refine.
+ Slim down to 60 cards and adjust numbers where necessary.

useful link: www.cardgameorganizer.com head over there, click on WOW Tcg, Spoiler Search, and you have a nice filter.

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