June 13, 2008

Nintendo Caught in a Slip Up Here: I Support More Wii Space

Recently a director at Nintendo slipped up and uttered something that is reverberating around the globe and blogosphere: The marketing director for Nintendo of Europe claimed that only "geeks and otaku" were interested in more space for the Wii's hard drive. I think Laurent just pissed off a whole lot of Nintendo fans, and I am sure that Nintendo as a whole is not bias against any one stereotypical group.

Lots of folks who love the virtual console series and the nostalgic games on them want more download space so that they can PAY NINTENDO MORE MONEY so that players can play them. I am not anything close to Otaku [For those who have no idea what is going on- An Otaku is a lifestyle in Japan where one chooses to indulge in anime, manga, and the likes of the industry] and I will admit that I am not a super nerd, and I support an expansion of memory. The marketing director fails to see the wider audience that is purchasing games off of Virtual Console. In fact, VC has become such a success that they are making money off of the idea.

Maybe they want more space, but be warned- do not alienate one group and do not shut out the rest of your Nintendo faithful. I am sure Nintendo will handle the situation post haste. Bloggers and news agencies should be CAREFUL how they present this information: It may appear that this is the ideal of Nintendo when it is the ideal of a marketing director, who I'd expect to be reprimanded severely for this one. Thus they always say, you are an extension of the company.

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