December 6, 2012

2012s List of Greatest Games I Have Played Ever, #s 30-15

2012 is winding down, and I thought I would reflect on the hobby of gaming and where it has come in my 24 some years of existence. To commemorate the hobby, I have a list of the top 50 games I have ever played. There are a few things to remember with this list.

1) This is my opinion of what I recall playing and have reviewed.
2) You may want to smack me if you feel a game should score higher or lower.
3) I take recommendations for games I should play and add to the list.
4) I have not played every single game ever.

#30- Metal Gear Solid 3 [PS2]
After Sons of Liberty, I was very excited to get into a new Metal Gear game. Turns out that I was going to get something I did not expect- a story prequel set in the 1960s in the Soviet Union. I gave the game a chance and picked it up for around $25. Snake Eater featured an excellent story, great graphics for an aging PS2, and introduced a system where Snake had to eat in order to keep his endurance up. With a whole bunch of weapons to use and memorable boss fights, MGS3 is a must buy for the Metal Gear fan.

#29- Ore! Ore! Tomba! [PS1]
Now considered a cult classic, Tomba flew under the radar when it was released. The game enjoyed sub-par to moderate success until the developer went out of business in Japan. For whatever reason, the game became a cult hit and is now very expensive to acquire. A new copy can set you back about $85-$100 US. Tomba is an excellent platforming game that combines RPG elements. Simple in execution, but fun in gameplay, Tomba is one of those exotic games for the PS1 that I can highly recommend.

#28- Donkey Kong Country [SNES]
Released sometime later in the Super Nintendo's lifespan, DKC was a 32 bit console that captured everyone's imagination and catapulted Donkey Kong back as a major franchise. A simple platformer, the goal of the game was to progress to the end of the stage, collecting banannas en route as well as special bonuses and 1-ups, all while facing moving puzzles impeding your progress. The music tracks are legendary in this game, too. It is a must own if you have a Super Nintendo and more than worth checking out.

#27- Tony Hawk's Underground [PS2]
Following the success of Pro Skater 3, Underground featured new levels, challenges, moves, skaters and music to satiate the craving gamers had for good skateboarding games. It is worth picking up if you find it cheap.

#26- Super Smash Bros. Brawl [Wii]
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Nintendo followed up Melee with the award winning game Brawl, which expands upon the franchise and adds even more characters, goodies, challenges, and a promising time with friends. This game was kind of ruined for me in college, but it is still a fun game to play with friends. There are competitive leagues out there for games like these, but I don't recommend them. If you can find this game for cheap, I recommend picking it up, and a few gamecube controllers.

#25- Age of Empires III [PC]
It's very difficult to follow up on the legendary Age of Kings game, but Ensemble Studios did it right with the release of Empires III. Set in the 1500-1800s timeframe, III features a revolutionary card system that ships benefits to your colony. Each civilization is unique and offers various strategies to defeat your opponent. Some of the campaign missions seemed like filler, but all in all the game was a blast to play. It went on sale on Steam this year, and if you can pick it up with the expansion sets for $15 or less, pick it up.

#24- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005 [PS2]
I am not a fan of sports games. Same stuff in and out each year- recycle old stuff, improve it, shove it in next year. Tiger 2005 didn't do that- it completely overhauled Tiger 2003 and offered a plethora of courses, golfers, and of most importance, the challenges and tournaments against other players. The game was well done and well crafted, and if you want to own a definitive golf game, look for Tiger 2005.

#23- Perfect Dark [N64]
Oh, the memories I have playing this game. I must have logged at least 1000 hours alone in multiplayer with friends and completing challenges. Perfect Dark is the highly successful sequel to Goldeneye 007, albeit it's more of a remake. The story is solid, the game can be difficult as balls, and what makes Goldeneye 007 addicting makes Perfect Dark that much more close to a drug. There are so many weapons, new innovations and revamped cheats that you will definitely get your money's worth out of it today. If you can find it under $15, pick it up. You won't be disappointed.

#22- God of War III [PS3]
Oh yeah, now we're talking a fun time. GOWIII follows Kratos, a man turned God (of War) in his quest to kill Zeus and the Pantheon after the opening of Pandora's Box. The beat-em up combat is legendary, just like the gore. Not just for brute killing, GOWIII features puzzles and potentially very difficult enemies that will kill you at the drop of a hat. If you can find this game cheap, it is a must own title for the playstation 3.

#21- Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt [NES]
Alright fine- I'll toss in Duck Hunt since it's in the same cartridge, but this spot belongs to Mario. He made his debut in his own game in 1985 and was the very first platformer that did it right and captured the imagination of the WORLD. There were some hiccups to be sure, but this game was responsible for sucking many a youth into video games, and it is a game even my grandparents know and remember. Pick it up if you have not played it. If it is too old for you, try Super Mario Bros. 3 for the same console.

#20- Borderlands 2 [PC]
Gearbox's first game in the series, Borderlands was a hit with many gamers, selling copies out the walooza. Along with one or two other developers, Gearbox was one of the first pioneers to do "DLC", downloadable content, correctly. Borderlands 2 came out in 2012, and it did not disappoint. The entire game has been polished, revamped and regraded for an audience demanding more from the series. With new abilities, room for new characters, a s*** ton of missions, rewards, random loot, and sometimes difficult bosses, Borderlands 2 is a must buy if you can find it on sale, and you are a fan of FPS/RPG hybrids. Borderlands got 400 hours of play out of me, and the sequel 2 has already seen 200 hours of play, and I've only been playing it for three months. Besides the badass game structure, what makes Borderlands so much fun? the hilarious story and dialogue.

#19- Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings [PC]
Ensemble Studios needed to follow up on its highly successful Age of Empires series, and they pulled it off with bags of cash extra with AOEII. AOEII is credited with being one of the first real time strategy games to do everything right, and set the standard for all future RTS games. The civilizations, technologies, graphics and gameplay were something completely different to new gamers. To this day, AoK is still played casually on the internet through GameRanger and other outlets. If you like RTS games, there is no debate on whether you should own a copy of this game or not. GO GET IT.

#18- The Legend of Zelda [NES]
When a game promising an endless adventure hit America in 1986, it garnered the attention of millions of people. The original Zelda was revolutionary in that a battery was put into the cartridge case, allowing for the first ever chance to save your game instead of using a password. Although the puzzles and combat seem a little crude by today's standards, the likes of which were never seen before to any gamer of the time of release. The focus was on gameplay; and gamers would revel in the many secrets in the game as well as the dungeon puzzles and boss fights.

#17- Gran Turismo 3 [PS2]
The Gran Turismo series, by the release of GT2 was a lovebaby of Polyphony and Sony. This "realistic driving simulator" allowed players to race luxury sports cars around tracks in a fashion that made you feel like you were a) driving them and b) a badass. GT3 revolutionized the series and added better handling, a managerie of cars to choose from, a garage mode, arcade mode, and anything you could ask for in a racing game. The graphics were an absolute load blow for the time of it's release, and they are still impressive today in 2012. This is a must own game if you have a Playstation 2.

#16- Super Smash Bros. Melee [Gamecube]
Nintendo had to hold to high expectations after releasing the forever popular Super Smash Brothers game for the Nintendo 64. Melee was the first foray into better graphics and controls, and the game did not disappoint. Despite some of the character "clones" in the game, it was possible to blow in excess of 500 hours into this game with no problem at all. The arcade mode was addicting, the goodies and trophies were addicting, and hell the entire game was addicting. It is a great throwback to a time passed by- and a must own if you have a Gamecube.

#15- Super Mario Galaxy [Wii]
One thing I don't understand about GameRankings is that this is their top game of all time. I respectfully disagree. Galaxy was said to revolutionize the way you would play Mario games from now on, until Nintendo took a more retro approach in future releases. There is still a ton of innovation and fun to be had in Galaxy, with unique 3D puzzles and a fairly good storyline. If you like Mario games and you can find this title for $15 or less, pick it up!

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