Playing a card means adding it to the chain. Most locations in this set reward you as you gain honor counters by "playing a card". A primary response to this and the arena cards in Blood of Gladiators is "these cards are really cool, but they have no room in my deck and are somewhat pointless". I think this is a big mistake players, including myself, are making about this set. Honor will definitely be important, but what happens to the deck that isn't gaining honor? The tempo may fall behind. With the introduction of Death Knights in a few days, a lack of a general card pool means Death Knights will fully embrace the arena and honor system, potentially making them deadly decks.
Adam is a very interesting card. If you need to move honor from one card to another, this is the way to go. I wonder where the horde equivalent is? Not only does moving honor store it for when you need it, doing the process of moving your honor points generates honor points (by paying a cost, you add Adam to the chain). He is unique, so I worry about Adam being a potential target for ally removal. We have yet to see Adam in play.
A good, all around quest that can stop some aggression, gain you a card, and add honor. For a cost of three this seems worth it, however play testing will verify my claim or dismiss it.
This will be THE location card to disrupt the tempo. As you play cards you can gain honor quickly and continue to draw cards. The average one on one PVP games at our campus pull about 15-25 cards from the deck- drawing more means more choice and more card advantage. Arathi Basin will probably see a lot of play, probably not just from myself.I'm not sure where this one will see much use- it works for Restoration Druid (Buff) decks, or Ally rush, but the cost seems a bit high in terms of honor. Perhaps the future can reveal to us if this location will be worth the trouble...
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