November 7, 2008


After the Vietnam War the United States sold many of its old M113 ACAVs, and Israel acquired quite a few of them. They still use the M113 today because it is such a great utility vehicle for multiple applications. The M113 has a modular design that allows it to be used a troop or equipment carrier. During the Vietnam War it was suseptible to mines, and even more so today it is vulnerable to IEDs (even with upgrades). Wikipedia does a good job describing more about the M113: I am still researching it as well. This fall and winter I am dedicated to building some Isareli vehicles- there isn't any particular reason except that they are very interesting designs. The Merkava is an original- but many vehicles in the Isareli forces were purchased from other countries. Although the Israelis still do this, the fact that they must rely on old technology is changing rapidly.

I would like to do this ACAV as if it were part of the Isareli Army, meaning that I will have to discard American decals and attempt to find some Isareli markings. If I can't, there isn't any harm in not applying decals- it is a challenge for any modeler to hide the filmy surface of a decal when applied, especially when weathering is nearby. If I only had a small team of 1/35 humans to paint the decals for me....

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