September 6, 2008

Monday Feature- The I Love Pennsylvania Series

Lake Ontelaunee is a protected watershed in Berks County- where fishermen, RC Hobbyists (me) and tourists are discouraged (sight-seers welcome!). Protected by law, 3.8 billion gallons.

Lehigh Valley- if you wonder where your milk comes from, some of it comes from this farm and another in Evansville! The cows are saying "eh what the heck?" as I stand there and take pictures of them. Plenty of room inside for 'em to lay down, a unhappy cow will NOT produce good milk.

I have lived in Pennsylvania since about 2003 and there is a lot to love about the Keystone State. Until I run out of scenery photos then I will stop the series, and until then I will release 2-5 wallpapers a week (good for 17inch screens and smaller). Enjoy!

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