August 30, 2008

1-35 IDF Merkava by Tamiya

I picked this one up a week or so ago and it has been on my want list for some time- the Israeli Main Battletank the Merkava. I believe this one represents the MK I Merkava tank and the kit was produced in 1984 then re-issued. The detail is pretty incredible (again) for a kit of its age and the fit so far has been perfect. I began assembling the suspension, drive sprockets, idler wheels and tank wheels the other evening. I would like to paint this one a light sand color then go at it with my earthen pastels. This should be a really fun project- the lower hull is big enough to support a battery so I will once again route some fiber optic into this tank and give the headlights some life.

This kit looks like it is a resin cast rather than a model- Tamiya did a great job.

Also shown here is the beginning of my Star Wars Mighty Mugg collection. I have already shown you Darth Vader but I also picked up Jango Fett and Grievous a week or so ago. Also shown: my completed Tallgeese III.

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