May 11, 2008

Nasty Critters- What to do about dem Geese

Ugh.... what a topic. I thought the sight of geese in formation was cool, until a couple of days ago when I ran into them personally at Grings Mill. I thought geese and ducks were kind creatures. Ehhh NO. I risk damaging my ships because I don't want the geese pecking at my $400USD plus worth investments. I would get within maybe 15 feet of the fowl and then the thing sticks its tongue at me and begins hissing! I get within 10 feet and it begins to chase me, but quickly loses interest.

My roommate told me these things are just plain nasty, and I agree. I don't want my RC ships around them, and for that matter when I begin visiting nature parks I will start packing plastic heat! I am looking into getting a 36 shot airsoft revolver (orange tip of course) in the event that I get a goose that doesn't want to stop chasing me. The objects not to kill it, or piss it off, but to teach it to stay away from me.

Humans were put on this Earth for a couple of reasons- two of them were to maintain the garden and the rest of the Earth, and to have dominion over all other inhabitants of the Earth. If geese don't want to live harmoniously side by side with me, while I steer my RC boats and not bother them, then they need to be taught a lesson.

unlike many morons on Youtube, I do not provoke water fowl- it is a war crime according the the geneva convention (hehe). I am minding my own business and large groups of Canadian Geese (6-7) can get pissy, especially the alpha males.

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