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(warp to a time after the events of Majora's Mask)
With the knowledge of Ganondorf's evil intentions, Zelda accuses Ganondorf of his devious plots. Several years later, he was subdued and bound for execution in the desert. Hyrule Historia does not explain the history of the Arbiter's Grounds, but it can be surmised that one of two possibilities are true: The Arbiter's Grounds was already located in the desert during the game of Ocarina of Time, and wasn't visible, or it was constructed between the events of Ocarina of Time (Hyrule A) and several years after the events of Majora's Mask.
We do know that the Mirror of Twilight did in fact exist during the events of Ocarina of Time- but it was not in the game. The sages that existed during Hyrule A (who would have remained the Sages because the Sages Rauru, Darunia, Saria, Impa, Ruto, etc were not awakened) were tasked long ago with protecting the Mirror of Twilight and the Sacred Realm. I will not inject my own comments and call them fact, unless they are confirmed by canon. However- it is theorized that the Interloper Conflict occurred sometime between Skyward Sword and the Hyrulean Civil War (before Ocarina of Time). Because of that conflict, the Goddesses had to become involved and banished the Interlopers to a new realm, called the Twilight Realm. The Mirror was then given to the ancient Sages for protection.
In the Arbiter's Grounds, Ganondorf was bound to a rock for execution. The Sages coalesced a sword, and one of them sent it plowing through Ganondorf's chest, allegedly killing him. For some reason, this Ganondorf had the Triforce of Power (it is theorized that since Link returned to Hyrule A with the Triforce of Courage that the Triforce itself noticed a piece of itself split off, and likely split, erasing one of the Triforces of Courage. This could explain things, and later Hyrule Historia claims that Ganondorf was so powerful that he could detect this disturbance with the Triforce), and it saved him in what was called "the divine prank". He broke free, killed one of the sages, and pulled the sword out of his chest (which did, by the way, create a weakness). In desperation, the ancient sages activated the Mirror of Twilight and sent him flying into the Twilight Realm, sealed.
"Carrying the proof of the Triforce of Courage, Ganondorf acquired evil magic. This time axis’s Ganondorf, who thought the Triforce of the Sacred Realm was untouched, concluded there must have been some disturbance since Link returned home with the Triforce of Courage."
His pure malice followed him to the Twilight Realm, which corrupted it beyond belief. Eventually he would empower the Usurper King Zant, and set forth the motions of Twilight Princess. By record of the developers, Twilight Princess occurred sometime after Ocarina of Time, in the order of 100-150 years later...
Original translated text: a huge thank you to Zeldadungeon and friends: http://www.zeldadungeon.net/2011/12/hyrule-historia-book-more-translations/
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