June 24, 2011

Zelda Lore: The Dominion Rod

Object: The Dominion Rod
Origins: the Oocca
Created: (?)
Recovered: ~Hyr 250
Appearance: Twilight Princess

The following may contain theory:
The Dominion Rod was handed down to the family of Hyrule by a race of beings known as the Oocca. They resemble golden chickens with human heads. An Ancient Sky Book was given to the Shiekah in the event a heavenly messenger appeared. It is theorized that the Dominion Rod has been in the possession of the Royal Family since at least Hyr 0, because no date is given for the recipient's acquirement.

The Rod was stored inside the Temple of Time in a location that seems separate from the rest of the Temple. It could also be theorized that, after Link returned to his Child Timeline, that the Royal Family had the Pedastal of Time reworked for a different purpose other than time travel, since, if, Link attempted to travel again, the magic would not work, or reseal him. The location is in the reworked Temple of Time: when the pedastal is struck with the Master Sword, a doorway leads up to the hidden realm behind the stained glass. Note that the Temple of Time had its interior remade, its altar removed, and the door of time removed after Hyr 111 when Link returned to his original time.

The Dominion Rod allows the user to control certain statues. The controller is able to make the statues mimic his moves. The Dominion Rod could have been used as a weapon, or to move statues about. The ultimate purpose of this power (to move statues) is not clear, or described by the Royal Family or the Oocca.

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