August 6, 2007

Japanese Animators getting angry with Youtube

I thought the rumor of Youtube deleting anime off of it's own website was just a rumor- apparantly it is not. Anime Piracy is often driven by a lack of product in one's own country. This year, publishing companies have been going after illegal downloaders and now groups in Japan are angry with Youtube for sharing illegal content which can be downloaded with 3rd party programs onto a watcher's PC.

Viacom is actually suing Google for "massive copywright infringement" and seeks unspecified damages. My thoughts on this really are two fold. One, I discourage illegal downloading when you can buy something in the store, and two I am sorry to say, but what can you expect from people when they don't have their favorite anime? Animators are concerned FIRST about releasing material inside of Japan when really it is a worldwide phenomenon they must fill the hunger of. It's like taking your favorite bunny rabbit out of your collection of them and feeding and caring for it first, making the others watch and wait. I support anime creators as much as the next loyal fan, but honestly- what can you expect when your product is not traveling around the world?

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