February 27, 2007

Heat 1 Races Disappointing - C02 Cars

Engineering III Students from Nazareth Area High School began racing their dragsters today as tensions rose high with excitement and some worry. Students set up the track to the races, and cars could be heard across the hall in the cafeteria zooming down the lanes. Checking out the times and the racing, students were overall disappointed with the performance of the class as a whole.

Three cars managed to score "Class A" scores, two being shell cars and one being a hybrid. The "bullet" design has become a cliche, originally designed by Tyler Marshall of Bloomsburg Area High School as the TSA 2006 champion. Those cars did not do too well, the fastest "bullet" reproduction clocking in at an average speed of 41.14mph (km/h) with a time of 1.102 seconds (B class). The fastest car by far in the races clocked in at a speed of 44.24mph (km/h) at a time of 1.025 seconds. While some students were disappointed with a slow score, others could not get their cars to properly race down the track, earning a DNF (Did Not Finish) for multiple reasons, including extreme wheel friction or snagging of the line. The races could not be finished, so students will race again Thursday.

"Im going to fix my car" a student said after I offered suggestions on enlarging the axel hole inside the wheels. "I can get this to work down the track by Thursday". Students (many times) have been given loopholes, and taking advantage of this one is no different. I commented "remember guys, performance is not the end of the road. There is a construction and drawing grade".

Our heat will be racing tomorrow during the same block. Rage of Firebird is planned to be against Revenge of Firebird, who took second place last year and has been enhanced (legally) for a faster time this time around. If there is an even number, Rage of Firebird will face a rival C02 Car in the race, which is of the "bullet" cliche design. May the best dragster win!

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