February 25, 2007

A Look back at Star Wars Galaxies

What made the game truly great was the Star Wars feel to the game, that your character was part of a larger world, a community at large living in the same galaxy, fighting the Galactic Empire or eliminating the rebels. That was Star Wars Galaxies.

I fell in love with the original game, it was so unique and so deep that I could customize my character any way I wished, and I had a blast doing it. Living hard in the galaxy was a lot of fun to me, and I grew to meet many friends and do many things. In the old days sitting in the cantina chatting was fun, PVP was massive for control of cities, and the GCW was at it's hottest. SWG did have a lot of content, but it majorly lacked for the veterans of the game torwards the recent additions to the game (NGE "New Game Enhancements"). Developers have been quick to respond, but slow to add content to their game as they scramble to finish all of the professions and complete the NGE cycle.

Right now I have had a lot of time not to play galaxies, so I did actually cancel my account so I can focus on real life issues, like getting prepared to go off to Penn State and the like. I would definatly reconsider and resubscribe if the concept "beast master" was put into the game. My favorite profession throughout the entire game was "Master Creature Handler". Instead of fixing the profession fully, they released a patch to solve some of the problems, then totally removed Creature Handler because it was not Star Wars enough (which I will debate to death until their ear's bleed). I am trying to get back into the game but have not found a suitable time to do so yet. I won't blast and critisize the game because it was so amazing. If there were people to play with, and things to do I would definatly resubscribe.

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