January 14, 2007

F-22 Lightning Interceptor for Sega Genesis

I was going to fantasize and tell you all about this wonderful firstgeneration flight sim, but I found some HILLARIOUS stuff development left in.

This caught my eye, and made me laugh... hard. Around that time in 1991 Saddam well.. wasn't being very nice to Kuwait. Funny that "General" Saddam Hussman sounds a lot like "Saddam Hussein" who was recenly executed for crimes against humanity. Shalom is Hebrew, but Saddam was Sunni, so I don't understand that one.

This one gave me a laugh, too. Just what kind of Russian fighter jock loves I LOVE LUCY?!? And Why would he enjoy it with his "comrades"?? 0____0

This one takes the cake on the Saddam Hussein gag. Put up or shut up, ok marine talk. But.... Slap and Tickle?!?!?!? SLAP and TICKLE? NO!. Walk your dog on my lawn? sick. Then take my girlfriend to town, and tell me to HANG LOOSE? absoloutly freakin HILLARIOUS. =D

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