October 14, 2010

Why Penn State gets an "F" for IT Services and Network Integrity

Penn State Berks gets an "F" in the following categories:

Network Stability
Network Performance
IT Services

Allow me to explain.

I am sitting in a computer lab right now, and I received the following two errors, the first one upon a slow startup, and the second one when trying to access the internet. Every other page I attempt to visit gives me the timed out message.

I cannot print to a printer because there is no option to do so. On top of that, the network is choppy and I can't get any work done. I am starting to get really irritated with this, and I am going to demand some of my tuition back that covers IT costs, because they haven't done JACK for students.

Comments to SGA were taken, but not followed up on. Same story with Berks Senate. When will the madness end? who knows, but this campus gets an "F" in the IT department. There isn't even a head of IT on the student government!

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