June 8, 2010

A Gentleman Named Fletcher Said It Beautifully...

"I do think that playing different classes and roles gives you a more rounded appreciation for other people.

With that said, though, there are plenty of unappreciative people in World of Warcrafr, and (at 80, through the Look For Dungeon system) you'll run into a lot of chain-pulling speed-freaks. The sort of people who either spam "gogogogo" or pull so much they wipe the group, and then instantly drop (or both, of course, for added neg-achievement points).

I am pretty sure that those people - who are used to speed runs through dungeons they massively outgear, sharding everything that drops, for a few paltry tokens at the end - are going to wail and die en masse in Cataclysm's cleansing flames. And I. Can't. Wait.


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