September 2, 2008

IDF Merkava Progress

I am making slow, but steady process on the Merk. Last post I may have said that the kit has been fitting together perfectly- and although it has been doing so there have been a few pieces that had to be glued old fashioned style- they were not secure longtitude wise so they could set a degree off or so- I fixed that problem by binding the piece in question with tape then gluing from the inside- it held well.

Another thing I can do is apply seam filler to the inside as well because the Merk will be painted another shade of desert tan. I worked on the rear fender and assembled the turret barrel. Unfortunately this kit is a bit older so there is no barrel elevation (? why?). The suspension and wheels are assembled, but the wheels need painting and the suspension needs weathering.

This project is going to be about details, details and more details. It's always the small stuff that takes the most time- and I know a lot more parts will need to be glued the old fashioned way "smirks". Here are some more photos of reference material.

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