March 3, 2007

Wii Weight Loss Program

I have heard stories of people playing their Wiis for 30 minutes vigorously a day, and after a month or so noticed a significant weight loss (3 or 4 pounds). I have been giving this a try, and after Day 4 I am noticing a slight drop in average weight (a deviation of -1.833). I highly doubt something that large is a fluctuation, but I may be wrong since I am no expert.

1) Get a Wii and Wii Sports
2) Play all of the mini games vigorously for 30 minute workouts everyday.
3) Do the built in fitness test.
4) Record your results

and I want to see if, after 42 days I have a noticable weight loss! I need to lose the weight, so let's see where the experiment takes us.

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