Talk about game changers- you can build DECKS around these two cards. If you have an old war stomp deck lying around, it was just reinvigorated with Cairne, Earthmother's Chosen. You are getting a [6/7] for a 6 cost, AND "Tauren heroes and allies you control have Warstomp". Hoah..... HOAH.... control much??
Let's attempt to understand the ramifications of this. You can throw this into a multitude of decks, including a balance druid, resto druid (EWW!!), or any kind of shaman deck. You need to use a tauren hero, but there are plenty of those. You know what? this card is just NASTY with any deck it is put into! I'm not so sure about the stash part of the card, but it is something for free. The typeline "Cairne (1)" is interesting, and it is a new element we have seen before, but remains a mystery. Does this mean we can only have 1 Cairne out on the field (in our party) at a time? We will surely find out.
Magni, the Mountain King. Ok, he is a [4/4] for a 4 drop, and protector. I like the sound of the card already. "Dwarf heroes and allies you control have additional health equal to the combined points of armor you control". WHAT? oh the ramifications of this card! Being a 4 cost card, this is a major, major bomb to drop around turn 4. To build a deck around this, you could use a hunter, paladin or warrior. Build up the armor and the allies, and lawl all the way to the bank. In a deck like this, you could probably minimize abilities and go straight for the goal. The stash is also kind of "ehh"... but it is free stuff!
I know I'll be building decks around these two- so I need two copies of each!
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