June 25, 2009

Last Notification- North Korean Nuclear Intentions

This is probably the last of posts I will make on the North Korean issue because I don't want to turn my blog into a political one. It is suspected that North Korea will fire a missile at the US as bellicose waves of anti-American rallies are going on in Pyongyang with hundreds of thousands of people. They have even threatened war at the United States and threatened to shoot a missile at the territory.

All war rhetoric, if, among the fools in Pyongyang there is one slightly intelligent one has realized that against a UN force they cannot win. Instead of killing themselves and millions of people with them, the North is probably going underground to proliferate (to spread) nuclear material to those who hate the United States; namely worldwide terrorist organizations and unstable regimes in Africa and other places worldwide. It doesn't make sense to launch a missile at the US, but I was lead to believe Kim will do it because he is just that stupid.

I would imagine, other than the media reporting US destroyers are following North Korean transport ships that intelligence, sattelites and the works are all eyes on North Korea. If the president declared North Korea as a potential threat, to defeat an enemy this is the generation "the war of information". As perverse as it sounds, I am kind of wishing a test dummy would be fired at us- I love it when pompous people are proven wrong.

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