July 12, 2007

BB62 and USS Constitution Progress

Quite a bit of work was done today on my BB-62 and USS Constitution build. I started today by masking off the deck chains and painting them gray. I am going to go back later and paint the chains themselves black (this is so the underlying area is gray). The next time I get to work on the kit (Sunday afternoon) I will mask off the rear deck and paint the wooden portion it's wooden colors. Then I need to spray a top coat, and I will try my best with micromask to hide the deck tan. Touch up the paint, paint the heli-zone, and were coral.

I also touched up the cannon line on the half piece of one of the hulls to my USS Constitution. With gloss then a flat cote, you will never see the difference. I need to paint the other half of the hull, paint the rear cabin, then carefully paint the front mast piece. Sheesh, and that isn't even the long part.

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