July 26, 2007

1/600 Yamato Major Progress

Got some major work done on the yamato today:

+ Finished gray coating around the non-wood decks
+ Weathered decks and hull
+ Constructed Super Structure
+ Constructed smoke stack

Instead of going with a brans spanking new Yamato I wanted to go with a weathered and (slightly) damaged one during her final battle (BEFORE she was hit with any bombs, etc). It's turning out real well and I like how it is working. The only gripe I have about the kit is a lack of locater pins but other than that, it goes together (and plastic behaves) well. I should have it done in the next few days. I thik I may stick to 1/600 and smaller ships and occasionally build 1/350 scale ones (they are getting too big!)

Also touched up the USS Constitution and I am now gluing the hull together (I am clamping it for a few days, and applying up to 5 or more coats of cement). I am happy that construction is moving along on her as well.

I don't have pictures at the moment but I will upload some tomorrow morning.

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