June 23, 2007

World of Warcraft TCG

So what is this TCG I have been talking about?

The WOW TCG is a new trading card game that was released in late 2006 by Upper Deck Entertainment by the permission of Blizzard Ent. The game borrows heavily from Magic, a little bit from Yu-Gi-Oh!, but allows more choices and a ton more strategies through a MMORPG like setting: Your hero may be equipped for battle and invite allies.

The game is set between two factions: The Horde and The Alliance. You will control a hero, who enters the game not through your deck, but from the start. You draw a card every turn. You may equip your hero with weapons and armor, or summon allies. Each turn, you may set a maximum of one resource card. Resource cards are "exhausted" (aka "tapped") to pay the cost to play something. If my ally costs 3 resources to summon, I must exhaust 3 resources. If my opponent is going to play a big move his next turn, I may want to hold off and save the resources to counter his move. The game presents tough calls you have to make; it makes deck building a lot tougher.

There are oversized cards too, perfectly legal and useable in tournament play (they are for collectible and artwork reasons). You get fascinating cards with great matching artwork. A lot of powerful cards are common, but the uber (powerfully elite) cards are even harder to get than ultimate rares in Yu-Gi-Oh!. Cards put into your deck must share similar traits: you can't mix and match horde and alliance cards. If I am running an alliance deck, I cannot fit a Horde quest or ability inside my deck. I CAN however put an alliance card into my deck if my hero is part of the alliance. The minimum deck/card limit is 60 cards, and the maximum copies you can have of each card is 4. Some cards also have "unlimited", which means my entire deck can consist of them, if you so choose.

The game has been very sucessful. To mimic and celebrate the MMORPG World of Warcraft, Blizzard has released raid decks. Raid decks are bosses as the heroes who will take an actual effort to defeat. Bosses are so difficult that players must unite to defeat the boss, sort of like Dungeons and Dragons. I havn't been in a raid yet, but I have been traded some of the uberly powerful cards from the "treasure pack". The game looks promising, and I will contiune to play for a long time.

Aleyah Dawnborn (Horde Paladin, 28 HP)

4x Bluffwatchers (unlmtd) (2 attk 2 HP)
3x Ra'chee (1 attk 2 HP)
3x Kalnuf Eagleheart (3 attk 2 HP)
3x Greefer (3 attk 2 HP)
2x Magran Proudstep (fero) (1 attk 2 HP)
2x Field Repair Bot 74A (0 attk 2 HP)
2x Guardian Steppestrider (Prot) (5 attk 5 HP)
2x Araelun (1 attk 3 HP)
2x Field Repair Bot 74A (0 attk 2 HP)
2x Bhenn Checks-the-Sky (2 attk 1 HP)
1x Scout Omerrta (Prot) (2 attk 1 HP)
1x Wazzuli Wildmender (3 attk 5 HP)
1x Katsin Bloodoath (Prot) (5 attk 3 HP)
1x Ja'zaron (Prot) (2 attk 3HP)

2x Seal of the Crusader
1x Cleanse
1x Eskhandar's Collar
2x Hammer of Justice
1x Aegis of the Blood God
1x Divine Shield
2x Samophlange
3x Ornate Adamantium Breastplate
1x Deathbringer
1x Fel Iron Hatchet
3x Swift Assault
1x Seal of Light
2x Turn Aside
3x Righteous Vengeance
1x Desperate Block
2x Poison Water
3x Finkle Einhorn, At Your Service!
1x Argent Defender
1x Blessing of Might
1x Blessing of Freedom
1x Undaunted Defense
1x Arcane Torrent
1x Vambraces of the Sadist
1x Caught off Guard
1x Guard Duty

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