June 26, 2007

Tallgeese III final touches

I had doubts when inking this thing, but the Tallgeese has really come out quite nicely especially with the metallic blue. I have a few finishing touches to do with it, but it is practically done. Easy model to build, I had zero to no problems with the construction (be careful with the fragile gun). Going to stain and sand the stand, glue 'em on there in my favorite pose, and I have a cheaper, DIY Gundam figure =D $50.00 versus $90++, AND I did it. I take pride in my work. But how the hell did you do it so quickly?? Well I have been working since 12pm this afternoon, it's now about 6:00pm. On and off really, but I still have painting to do with the gun and shield because frankly, they will make or break this model.

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