January 26, 2007

Rage of Firebird: Shaping

Got home this afternoon and Im (again) sanding and grinding at Rage. We were just hit with freak arctic winter blasts, so the temperature outside this morning was -9 Farenheight! Probably about 2 or 5 degrees outside now so I decided to wear a jacket (with a buzz cut haircut my body temp dropped FAST below 94 farenheight). I have found that files work great in getting dents, knicks, and burrs out of the body and making it extra nice and smooth.

The next stage in construction is actually to start grinding away at the next dimension: from the top of the chassis. How I do that is I take a cut out of my design and instead of tape it over the edges, I do that thing like what kids do, and roll the tape under the template and "adhere" it to the body without putting glue on the dragster. Human doodling is not accurate of course (duh). What I am going to do is, take the most accurate side, fix some lines, make it look nice, then scan it. Ill take half of that good piece, put it through Microsoft Paint and then flip the image to make this car PERFECTLY SYMMETRICAL. I just did the same thing with the sides of this dragster and it is looking like it is working.

I've also come up with the theme song to the next dragster races.

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