November 11, 2006

Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Set to Launch Nov. 19th with Wii

I read the USA Today paper for yesterday and I saw an article (that was heavily biased torwards the Xbox) on the newest gaming systems coming out at the end of this year (due to Playstation 3's launch just yesterday all over Japan).

One of the games featured (and mocked) was The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. With the information I have gathered (from others and the Internet) the game is set to launch as a launch title with the Wi-i. The system will be available for $250 USD, not a bad price considering Playstation 3's are at MSRP of $599.99 USD, and go for 3-4 times that on Ebay.

For those of you who do not know about the Wi-i, please click on the Wii tag at the end of this post. Dubbed "Wi-i" or "Wii" or playskoolized "Weee", The new system features a unique controller to play many of the games; in English the system wants YOU to interact with IT. You are to determine how hard the ball is hit, how far an arrow shoots, how powerful your boxer is. It is all in the remote-looking controller. Nintendo promises a good time, and fans already are agreeing (including myself). Others, such as certain game producers (saving names to protect the innocent) are refusing outright to work with Nintendo again because of the controller. As of this date, that company has switched over to making Xbox2 exclusive games only.

The Twilight Princess is the next Legend of Zelda title to be released in the long history of Zelda Games. The series packs a HUGE nostalgic punch and makes a very appropriate launch title. USA Today claims the graphics are nothing special; while the Playstation 3 offers "state of the art bluechip technology that is better than any computer". Sounds like a marketing ploy to me. I am sure the author has played many video games, and I am also sure he is not passionate about his games, and is thus biased to what he likes first out of what he picks.

Through information and internet browsing, I have come up with a few facts about the game storyline.

-Adult Link

-Master Sword is in the game

-Epona/Some Horse is in the game (cannot gurantee Epona)

-Chronologically, this could not take place after Wind Waker (because the Master Sword, in Wind Waker finds its resting place in Gannondorf's head, then in a block of stone which was Gannondorf, then sunken forever into the sea). My best chronological guess would be, that this occurs sometime after A Link To The Past (The Master Sword appears to be in the Lost Woods)

-It appears Gannondorf is not the boss of this one (I have no percentage to even gurantee this).

Now me, I don't get my last check for a few weeks, but I will make an effort to get the Wi-i as best as I can. This is a promising system and I can't wait to eventually get my grubby mittens on it. If not launch day, it will be nearly impossible to hunt one down before Christmas. But who knows? Maybe USA Today will be right, there will be more supply than demand.

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